Any Room for Christ in Asia? Statistics and the Location of the Next Christendom
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Emanuel Gerrit Singgih
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Text of Note
The claim of Philip Jenkins that there is now a new Christendom emerging in the Southern Hemisphere, i.e. in Latin America, Africa and Asia is not in line with the conviction of Asian theologians who started precisely from the position of Christians in Asia as a minority. In this paper, the view of three Asian theologians will be contrasted with Jenkins. Even from the list of statistical tables provided by Jenkins it is clear that Asia cannot be included in the next Christendom. However, the clash of civilizations of which Jenkins feared will happen in Asia between Christian fundamentalists and Islamic radicals is not dismissed out of hand, but will be evaluated from the experiences of Christians in Indonesia. The claim of Philip Jenkins that there is now a new Christendom emerging in the Southern Hemisphere, i.e. in Latin America, Africa and Asia is not in line with the conviction of Asian theologians who started precisely from the position of Christians in Asia as a minority. In this paper, the view of three Asian theologians will be contrasted with Jenkins. Even from the list of statistical tables provided by Jenkins it is clear that Asia cannot be included in the next Christendom. However, the clash of civilizations of which Jenkins feared will happen in Asia between Christian fundamentalists and Islamic radicals is not dismissed out of hand, but will be evaluated from the experiences of Christians in Indonesia.