David A. Shank, Prophet Harris, The Black Elijah of West Africa. Abridged by Jocelyn Murray. Leiden/New York/Köln:
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
E.J. Brill, 1994, 309p. (Studies of religion in Africa; 10). ISSN 0169-9814/ISBN 90 04 09980 8. James R. Krabill, The Hymnody of the Harrist Church Among the Dida of South-Central Ivory Coast (1913-1949. A Historico-Religious Study. Frankfurt am Main, etc: Peter Lang, 1995, 603p. (Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums, Bd 74). ISSN 0170-9240/ISBN 3-631-48404-6