One of the most interesting features of the 20th-century esoteric revival in Italy is the rise of a lively spiritualist culture. Many spiritualist groups, while still paying attention to physical phenomena (levitation, apports, etc.), produced a rich doctrinal literature of increasingly sophisticated content. The 'Cerchio Firenze 77' is certainly the most famous among these groups. It emerged around the Florentine medium Roberto Setti (1930-1984) and was active throughout the 1950s, the 1960s and the 1970s. The doctrines exposed by the 'Masters' to the participants in the séances show a complex interweaving of esoteric themes, mystical ideas and scientific concepts that made the works of 'Cerchio' highly successful, and comparable to the great classics of 20th-century channeling, such as Jane Roberts's 'Seth books'. One of the most interesting features of the 20th-century esoteric revival in Italy is the rise of a lively spiritualist culture. Many spiritualist groups, while still paying attention to physical phenomena (levitation, apports, etc.), produced a rich doctrinal literature of increasingly sophisticated content. The 'Cerchio Firenze 77' is certainly the most famous among these groups. It emerged around the Florentine medium Roberto Setti (1930-1984) and was active throughout the 1950s, the 1960s and the 1970s. The doctrines exposed by the 'Masters' to the participants in the séances show a complex interweaving of esoteric themes, mystical ideas and scientific concepts that made the works of 'Cerchio' highly successful, and comparable to the great classics of 20th-century channeling, such as Jane Roberts's 'Seth books'.