The Ḥulmāniyya were the followers of Abū Ḥulmān al-Fārisī (d. c.340/951), a native of Persia, who was educated in Aleppo and later resided in Damascus, where he disseminated his ideas. The term "Ḥulmāniyya" appears for the first time in the writings of the Ashʿarī heresiographer ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Baghdādī (d. 429/1037), the Shāfiʿī scholar, heresiologist, and mathematician born and raised in Baghdad and educated in Nīshāpūr: "Amongst the Ḥulūlī (incarnationist) sects, the Ḥulmāniyya derives its name from Abū Ḥulmān al-Dimashqī.... He advocated the doctrine