The kızlar ağası ( qızlar āghāsı , literally, "agha of the girls") was the chief eunuch of the Ottoman imperial harem. Although the title may have been applied to the head of the palace harem eunuchs from the empire's early years, the formal office, known as Ağa-yı Darüssaade (Aghā-yı Dārü ʾsaʿāde; Ar. Aghā Dār al-Saʿāda), literally "Commander of the Abode of Felicity," dates to 996/1588, when Sultan Murad (Murād) III (r. 982-1003/1574-95) transferred the supervision of the Evkafüʾl-Haremeyn (Evqāfüʾl-Ḥaremeyn; Ar. Awqāf al-