Abū Ḥafṣ ʿUmar Ibn al-Shahīd al-Tujībī (d. late fifth/eleventh century) was an Andalusī author at the court of al-Muʿtaṣim b. Ṣumādiḥ (r. 443-84/1052-91) in Almería. The main source for his life and work is Ibn Bassām's (d. 542/1147) al-Dhakhīra (1:670-91), where some of his verses, mostly panegyrics on al-Muʿtaṣim, are quoted. Ibn al-Shahīd also wrote maqāmas (stories in rhymed prose), two of which are preserved in fragments in al-Dhakhīra (1:671-4 and 674-85).