Cavid (Cāvid) Paşa (1278-9/1862-1932), an Ottoman military officer and politician, was born in Çarşamba, in the province of Samsun (in today's northern Turkey), in 1278-9/1862. He graduated from the Mekteb-i Fünun-u Harbiye-i Şahane (Mekteb-i Fünūn-ı Ḥarbiye Şāhāne, Imperial Military Academy) in 1300-1/1883 and the Erkan-ı Harbiye Mektebi (Erkān-ı Ḥarbiye Mektebi, General Staff College) on 7 Şevval (Shawwāl) 1302/20 July 1885. He served in various military and civilian posts in different parts of the empire,