Burhān b. ʿAbd al-Azīz al-Amawī (1861-1935) was a highly respected Shāfiʿī legal scholar of Zanzibar, a shaykh of the Qādiriyya Ṣūfī order, and a close advisor to sultans Ḥamūd b. Muḥammad (r. 1896-1902) and ʿAlī b. Ḥamūd (r. 1902-11) (the Qādiriyya is a widespread Ṣūfī order of which ʿAbd al-Qādir Jīlānī, d. 561/1166, a Ḥanbalī scholar active in Baghdad, became, after his death, the namesake and patron). Burhān was the eldest son of another famous scholar of Zanzibar, originally from Brava (Barāwa), ʿAbd