Sultan Abdülmecid (ʿAbd al-Mecīd) I (r. 1255-77/1839-61) was the thirty-first sultan of the Ottoman dynasty. He was born on 14 Şaban (Shaʿbān)/April 1823, the eldest son of Mahmud (Maḥmūd) II (r. 1223-55/1808-39) by his second wife Bezmialem (Bezmi-i ʿĀlem, d. 1269/1853). He was tutored at the palace by leading contemporary ulema (ʿulamāʾ) , including Akşehirli Ömer (ʿUmar, d. 1267/1851), a most learned ʿālim (religious scholar), and Şehri Hafiz (Şehrī Ḥāfiẓ), who belonged to the Naqshbandī-Khālidī suborder and was