Rotatividade da liderança executiva regional em empresas multinacionais: um estudo convergente sobre métodos mistos
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Tennin, Kyla Latrice
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Conrad, Kelley A.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
University of Phoenix
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
551 p.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Body granting the degree
University of Phoenix
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Text of Note
Multinational corporation leaders are having problems with retaining local leadership, leaders being effective, and leaders leading teams in foreign countries. The purpose of the convergent parallel mixed methods study was to explore and confirm the relationship between regional executive leadership architecture (RELA), regional executive leadership ineffectiveness (RELI), cynicism, emotional exhaustion, and how regional executive leaders lead teams (RELLT) to regional executive leadership turnover (RELT) in full-service advertising and marketing multinational corporations (MNCs) in North America (United States), Singapore (Singapore), and Dubai (United Arab Emirates) using a sample size of n=12 regional executive leaders. Quantitative and qualitative data were converged based on data triangulation. Collected quantitative survey and demographic data were analyzed in social science software SPSS® using 3-step hierarchical multiple regression, qualitative interview data using textual analysis in Voyant Tools® cloud software, and data integration in Voyant Tools® through hybrid analysis. Although, the RELI, cynicism, and emotional exhaustion findings were non-statistically significant, the statistically significant outcomes of a relationship between RELT and RELA and major theme finding of RELA does influence how RELLTs, extends Suddaby's (2013, 2015) institutional theory of firm's following similar enterprises multinational RELA and Mobley's turnover theory (1977) of intermediate linkages. Also, termed intentions of quitting-turnover theory, via proposing the linkage of architecture of leadership-voluntary turnover to comprehend voluntary RELT in MNCs. Trainings proposed to educate MNCs leaders on firm structure for MNCs expanding into additional international territories was the end goal of the study. A supplemental file for chapter two of the dissertation, the literature review, is attached, to illustrate the data extraction tables (quantitative, longitudinal, and mixed methods) for the meta-analytic research synthesis (MARS) performed.