Effect of Conflict Management Styles on Employees' Work Attitude in Selected State Owned Tertiary Institutions in Kwara State, Nigeria
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Ajirowo, Wasiu Olumuyiwa
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Brimah, Aminu
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
146 p.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Body granting the degree
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
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Text of Note
Conflicts are inevitable phenomenon in the workplace. However, the poor management of these conflicts in the workplace has caused adverse effects on the level and frequency of future conflicts therein affecting the employees' work attitude and performance levels. This study, therefore examined the effects of conflict management styles on employees' attitude in selected state-owned tertiary institutions in Kwara State. With the population of 2764, sample size of 338 employees was arrived at; using the Epiinfo statistical software. Multiple Regressions analysis was employed on data collected. Among the findings were that Avoidance significantly affects employees' job satisfaction with a p-value of .001 and Beta=.102 and organisational commitment in the selected state owned tertiary institutions with p-value of .000 and Beta .353. Also, communication has a significant relationship with employees' job satisfaction with a p-value of .000 and Beta .257 and organisational commitment with a p-value of .000 and Beta=.291. Findings showed that accommodation has no significant effect on employees' job satisfaction and organisational commitment in the selected state owned tertiary institutions with a p-value of .062 and 0.105 respectively. Lastly, mediation has a significant effect on the employees' job satisfaction with a p-value of .000 and Beta .443 and organisational commitment with a p-value of .000 and Beta .219. The study concluded that conflict management has significant effect on the employees' work attitude in the selected state owned tertiary institutions through avoidance, communication and mediation with employees' job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The study recommended that management/employees in the selected state owned tertiary institutions should manage conflicts through avoidance, communication and mediation as these have been proven to be effective ways to reduce conflicts in the selected state owned tertiary institutions in Kwara State.