Section I. THOUGHT. 1. The Mysteries of Islam --- 2. Foreign Influences and Recurring Isma'ili Motifs in the Rasa'il of the Brethren of Purity --- 3. The Neoplatonic Substrate of Suhrawardi's Philosophy of Illumination: Falsafa as Tasawwuf --- 4. Theophany as Paradox: Ibn al-'Arabi's Account of al-Khadir in His Fusus al-Hikam --- 5. The Breath of Felicity: Adab, Ahwal, Maqamat and Abu Najib al-Suhrawardi ---- Section II. TRAVEL. 6. Ibn Jubayr: Penitent Pilgrim and Observant Traveller --- 7. Myth, Miracle and Magic in the Rihla of Ibn Battuta --- 8. Arabia and the Pilgrim Paradigm of Ibn Battuta: A Braudelian Approach --- 9. Basic Structures and Signs of Alienation in the Rihla of Ibn Jubayr --- 10. Tourist Adab and Cairene Architecture: The Mediaeval Paradigm of Ibn Jubayr and Ibn Battuta.
Text of Note
Explores various facets of the Islamic search for knowledge, with essays on aspects of Thought or Travel.