Includes bibliographical references (pages 189-196).
Text of Note
Introduction; Background; The Objective; Defining Key Terms and Methodology; Scope and Structure; 1. Divine Trial Narratives in the Qur'an: A Typology; Trial and Tribulation: Purpose in Divine Plan; Means of Divine Trial; Divine Trial as Punishment; Man's Response to Divine Trial; A Linguistic Overview of balā and fitna; A General Overview of balā and fitna Narratives; Classifications of balā and fitna Narratives
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(a) Divine Trial as the Central Pillar of theCreational Structure of the Cosmos; (b) Manifestation of Divine Trial; (c) Objects of Divine Trial; (d) Divine Trial Visited on Prophets andTheir Communities; Conclusion; 2. Divine Trial in Prophetic Traditions and Qur'anic Exegesis; Divine Trial in the Prophetic Traditions (hadīth); An Overview of Qur'anic Exegesis (tafsīr); Sunnite Commentaries (tafsīr); Shi'ite Commentaries (tafsīr); Trial from an Exegetical Perspective; Verses on Divine Trial as a Fundamental Pillar of the Creational Structure of the Cosmos
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Ghazālī on God and Creation-in-Time; The Best of All Possible Worlds: Context for Trust in God; Trial and Tribulation in the Context of the "Best of All Possible Worlds"; Conclusion; Conclusion; Appendix; Balā Narratives in the Qur'an; Fitna Narratives in the Qur'an; Notes; Bibliography
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Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī: A Brief Historical BackgroundGod and the Cosmos; Creation of Adam: The "Fall" as Context for Divine Trial; Human Life as a Divine Trial: The Spiritual Development; Self-knowledge (ma'rifat al-nafs); Self-purification (tazkiyat al-nafs); Rumi on Self-purification (tazkiyat al-nafs); Rumi on Trial and Tribulation and the Concept of Suffering; Conclusion; 5. Divine Trial and Muslim Theodicy; The Problem of Evil: An Overview; Perspectives in Theodicy: A Synopsis; Ghazālian Theodicy: Concept of the "Best of All Possible Worlds"
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Verses on Manifestation of Divine Trial in Man's Life; Verses on Objects of Divine Trial; Verses on Divine Trial Visited on Prophets and Their Communities; Conclusion; 3. The Qur'anic Prophets and Divine Trial; Overview of Divine Trial in the Lives of the Prophets; Noah (Nūh); Abraham (Ibrāhim); Lot (Lūt); Moses (Mūsā); Jonah (Yūnus); Job (Ayyūb); Joseph (Yūsuf); David (Dāwūd) and Solomon (Sulaymān); Jesus (Isā); Muhammad; Conclusion; 4. Divine Trial from the Muslim Mystical Perspective; What is "Mysticism"?; Muslim Mysticism
Text of Note
This book offers a critical analysis and re-examination of the notion of Divine trial, first by providing a comprehensive typology and a contextual interpretation of the Qur'anic narratives pertaining to the concept. Divine trial is then investigated through a historical review of prophetic tradition (hadith) and the exegetical literature (tafsir); followed by a discussion on Prophetology, and an overview of bala in the lives of the prophets. The book further develops key aspects of Muslim theology and mysticism through an examination of the works of Rumi and al-Ghazali.