Includes bibliographical references (pages 307-324) and index.
Text of Note
Reconstructing girls' education in the postrevolutionary period (1800/1830). Defining bourgeois femininity: voices and debates ; Schools, schooling, and the educational experience -- Women, schools, and the politics of culture (1830/1880). Debating women's place in the consolidating bourgeois order (1830/1848) ; Independent women? Teachers and the teaching profession at midcentury ; Vocations and professions : the case of the teaching nun ; Boarding schools : location, ethos, and female Identities -- National and political visions of girls' education. Political battles for women's minds in the second half of the nineteenth century ; Beyond the hexagon : French schools on foreign soils -- Conclusion -- Appendix 1: the women pedagogues -- Appendix 2: the professions of fathers and husbands of Parisian headmistresses (1810/1880).
Text of Note
How a nation educates its children tells us much about the values of its people. From the Salon to the Schoolroom examines the emerging secondary school system for girls in nineteenth-century France and uncovers how that system contributed to the fashioning of the French bourgeois woman. Rebecca Rogers explores the variety of schools--religious and lay--that existed for girls and paints portraits of the women who ran them and the girls who attended them. Drawing upon a wide array of public and private sources--school programs, prescriptive literature, inspection reports, diaries, and letters--she reveals the complexity of the female educational experience as the schoolroom gradually replaced the salon as the site of French women's special source of influence.