Includes bibliographical references (pages 169-187) and index.
Text of Note
Twentieth-century formalism : convergence and divergence -- Russian formalism, Mikhail Bakhtin, heteroglossia, and carnival -- Reader-response theory, the theoretical project, and identity politics -- Stanley Fish, self-consuming artifacts, and the professionalization of literary studies -- Travelling through the valley of ashes : symbolic unity in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby -- Charlotte Brontë and Frye's Secular scripture : the structure of romance in Jane Eyre -- 'Telle us som myrie tale, by youre fey!' : exploring the reading transaction and narrative structure in Chaucer's Clerk's tale and Troilus and Criseyde -- Addressing horizons of readerly expectation in Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness and Ford Madox Ford's The good soldier, or, how to put the 'reader' in 'reader response'.
Text of Note
Provides an introduction to formalist and reader-response literary theory. Demonstrates each theory through a series of critical essays analyzing classic pieces of literature.