Which "bone" was Eve made from? -- Does "knowledge of good and evil" mean having sex? -- What was Eve's curse? -- Was Cain clinically depressed? -- Does the Bible encourage us to drown our sorrows in beer? -- Did Abraham pimp Sarah? -- Was the toilet Ehud's escape hatch? -- Was Onan a jerk? -- What was Isaac doing when Rebekah first saw him? -- Did God hit Jacob below the belt? -- Did King David have a potty mouth? -- Does the Bible command bikini waxing? -- Was Jael a dominatrix? -- Did Jacob use sex toys? -- Did King David have penis envy? -- Was Joseph a cross-dresser? -- Did Dinah marry her rapist? -- Was Lot a sexually abusive father? -- Did Ishmael molest Isaac? -- Was Moses suicidal? -- Did Ruth and Boaz have a roll in the hay at the threshing floor? -- Did Jacob use ancient Viagra? -- Were Samson and Delilah into S & M?
Bible., Old Testament-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.