Includes bibliographical references (pages 381-403) and index.
Text of Note
Introduction -- Mapping the subject -- Knowing the individual: Michel Foucault and Norbert Elias on Las Meninas and the modern subject -- Maps and polar regions: a note on the presentation of childhood subjectivity in fiction of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries -- The art of right living: landscape and citizenship, 1918-39 -- Families and domestic routines: constructing the boundaries of childhood -- The sexed self: strategies of performance, sites of resistance -- Women on trial: a private pillory? -- Men, heterosexualities and emotional life -- Mapping 'mad' identities -- Bodies without organs: schizoanalysis and deconstruction -- Exploring the subject in hyper-reality -- Migrant selves and stereotypes: personal context in a postmodern world.
Text of Note
Time, space and otherness -- Subject to change without notice: psychology, postmodernity and the popular -- Making space for the female subject of feminism: the spatial subversions of Holzer, Kruger and Sherman -- Ethnic entrepreneurs and street rebels: looking inside the inner city -- Conclusions: spacing and the subject.
Text of Note
"With no precise boundaries, always on the move and too complex to be defined by space and time, is it possible to map the human subject? This book attempts to do just this, exploring the places of the subject in contemporary culture. The editors approach this subject from four main aspects-its construction, sexuality, limits and politics-using a wide ranging review of literature on subjectivity across the social and human sciences. The first part of the book establishes the idea that the subject is constructed through detailed histories of the subject. The second part shows that sexuality cannot be assumed to be natural through the contributors' research on the place of sexuality in subjectivity and subjectivity in sexuality. The essays in the third part take issue with the idea of a singular, self-contained identity. Power relations and the effects of power are consistent themes throughout the book and the final section deals explicitly with relations of power, whether organized around gender, race, class or other kinds of difference."