Conclusions and commentary. Academic motivation and the culture of school : thematic integration / Cynthia Hudley -- Academic motivation and the culture of schooling : integration of findings / Adele Eskeles Gottfried -- Social competence, sociocultural contexts, and school success / Kathryn R. Wentzel.
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Examining motivation over time. Competence motivation in Head Start : an early childhood link to learning / Heather L. Rouse, John W. Fantuzzo -- Low academic intrinsic motivation as a risk factor for adverse educational outcomes : a longitudinal study from early childhood through early adulthood / Adele Eskeles Gottfried, Allen W. Gottfried, Phillip E. Morris, Clayton R. Cook. Students' social cognitions and motivational processes. Essential solidarities for understanding Latino adolescents' moral and academic engagement / Theresa A. Thorkildsen, Courtney J. Golant, Elizabeth Cambray-Engstrom -- Sources of influence on the college goals, sexual behavior, and childbearing attitudes of Latina girls in alternative high schools / Laura F. Romo, Claudia Kouyoumdjian, Marguerita Lightfoot -- Cultural continuity between home and school as a predictor of student motivation : what we know, what we need to learn, and implications for practice / Kristen Bogner Warzon, Marika Ginsburg-Block -- Cultural mistrust, academic outcome expectations, and outcome values among African American adolescent males / Miles Anthony Irving -- Responding to self-threats : understanding stigma in the academic domain / Collette P. Eccleston, Brenda Major -- Cultures in contrast : Understanding the influence of school culture on student engagement / Cynthia Hudley, Annette M. Daoud. Interventions to enhance academic motivation. Scholar identity and academic achievement in African American adolescents : is there a connection? / Olga M. Welch -- Peer-assisted learning : an academic strategy for enhancing motivation among diverse students / Marika Ginsburg-Block, Cynthia Rohrbeck, Nancy Lavigne, John W. Fantuzzo.
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Decades of research indicate the important connections among academic motivation and achievement, social relationships, and school culture. However, much of this research has been conducted in homogenous American schools serving middle class, average achieving, Anglo-student populations. This edited volume will argue that school culture is a reflection of the society in which the school is embedded and comprises various aspects, including individualism, competition, cultural stereotypes, and extrinsically guided values and rewards. They address three specific conceptual questions: How do differences in academic motivation for diverse groups of students change over time? How do students' social cognitions influence their motivational processes and outcomes in school? And what has been done to enhance academic motivation? To answer this last question, the contributors describe empirically validated intervention programs for improving academic motivation in students from elementary school through college.
Academic motivation and the culture of school in childhood and adolescence.