The work ahead : a psychometric infrastructure for computerized adaptive tests / Fritz Drasgow -- Models for delivery of CBTs / Valerie Greaud Folk and Robert L. Smith -- Test models for complex CBT / Richard M. Luecht and Brian E. Clauser -- On complexity in CBT / Wim J. van der Linden -- Test models for traditional and complex CBTs / William Stout -- Item development and pretesting in a CBT environment / Cynthia G. Parshall -- Developing, maintaining, and renewing the item inventory to support CBT / Walter D. Way, Manfred Steffen, and Gordon Stephen Anderson -- Controlling item exposure & maintaining item security / Tim Davey and Michael Nering -- New CBT technical issues : developing items, pretesting, test security, and item exposure / Ronald K. Hambleton -- Issues in CBT administration / Linda Crocker -- Alternatives for scoring CBTs / Barbara G. Dodd and Steven J. Fitzpatrick -- Exploring issues of examinee behavior : insights gained from response-time analyses / Deborah L. Schnipke and David J. Scrams -- Alternatives for scoring CBTs and analyzing examinee behavior / Barbara S. Plake -- Examinee behavior and scoring of CBTS / Wayne Camara -- CBT : a research agenda / Robert L. Linn [and others].
Educational technology-- United States.
Educational tests and measurements-- United States.