Includes bibliographical references (pages 297-325) and index.
Text of Note
Introduction: On the verge of race -- Beyond the event horizon : the multiracial project -- Scales of coercion and consent : sexual violence, antimiscegenation, and the limits of multiracial America -- There is no (interracial) sexual relationship -- The consequence of race mixture -- The true names of race : blackness and antiblackness in global contexts.
Text of Note
Despite being heralded as the answer to racial conflict in the post-civil rights United States, the principal political effect of multiracialism is neither a challenge to the ideology of white supremacy nor a defiance of sexual racism. More accurately, Jared Sexton argues in Amalgamation Schemes, multiculturalism displaces both by evoking long-standing tenets of antiblackness and prescriptions for normative sexuality. In this timely and penetrating analysis, Sexton pursues a critique of contemporary multiracialism, from the splintered political initiatives of the multiracial movement to the ac.