PART I: Approaching the Patient -- 1. Assessment -- 2. The Interview -- 3. The Presenting Problem -- 4. Clinical Measurements -- PART II: Systems Examination -- 5. Medical and Social History -- 6. Vascular Assessment -- 7. Neurological Assessment -- 8. Assessment of the Locomotor System -- 9. Assessment of the Skin and Its Appendages -- 10. Assessment of the Elderly -- 11. Pre- and Post-Operative Assessment -- 12. Footwear Assessment -- PART III: Laboratory and Hospital Investigations -- 13. Radiographic Assessment -- 14. Methods of Analyzing Gait -- 15. Laboratory Tests -- PART IV: Specific Client Groups -- 16. The Paediatric Patient -- 17. The Sports Patient -- 18. The Painful Foot -- 19. Assessment of the At-Risk Foot -- Index.
Text of Note
This comprehensive guide to the examination and assessment of the foot and lower limb will appeal to any practitioner with an interest in this part of the body. It thoroughly reviews the stages essential to accurate diagnosis, including descriptions of differential diagnosis and common pathologies. Highly illustrated with consistently presented information throughout, Assessment of the Lower Limb also examines the unique aspects of specific populations such as children, the elderly, and athletes. Features a wealth of illustrations, including line diagrams, photographs, and color plates. Presents information in a logical manner imitating the clinical reasoning process. Each chapter can stand on its own for independent reading of the topic covered. Case studies are included to illustrate theories, and the text is fully referenced to encourage further research.