Cover; Copyright; Credits; Foreword; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Getting to Know Grok; Why Grok?; Distinguishing Grok concepts; The Zope Component Architecture; Object database; Object publishing and traversal; Other Grok features; Integrated security model; Easy use of existing Python libraries and modules; Static resources; Relational database access; Python Web Server Gateway Interface compatibility; How Grok compares to other web frameworks; PHP; Java frameworks; Ruby on Rails; Django; Pylons; Summary; Chapter 2: Getting Started with Grok.
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Adding containers to our applicationAdding behavior to the models; The TodoList model; Reorganizing the views; Introducing class annotations; Setting view names explicitly; Redirecting views; The Grok introspector; Summary; Chapter 5: Forms; A quick demonstration of automatic forms; Interfaces; Example of an interface; Interfaces in Grok; Schemas; Available schema attributes and field types; Form fields and widgets; Form components; Adding a project container at the root of the site; Form actions; Trying out the application; Filtering fields; Using grok. EditForm.
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Expression typesInserting text; Repeating tags; Conditional elements; Variables; Special variables; Modifying HTML tag attributes; Inserting structure; Multiple statements in one tag; Macros and slots; Going beyond ZPT basics; The to-do list application; Handling form data; Adding static resources; Putting in some JavaScript flourish; Summary; Chapter 4: Models; Models and applications; Storing model data; The ZODB; Changing the title dynamically; The rules of persistence; Display logic and application logic; Separating display and application logic; Using containers and multiple models.
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Getting a C compilerInstalling Python; Installing Python on Unix/Linux; Installing Python on Mac OS X; Installing Python on Windows; EasyInstall and the Python Package Index (PyPI); Grok and the Python environment; Virtualenv; Installing Grok using grokproject; Creating our first project; Running the default application; What's inside a Grok project?; Overview of the application structure; Creating our first template; The Grok admin UI; Applications; Server control; Documentation; Summary; Chapter 3: Views; Grok views; Zope Page Templates (ZPT); The Template Attribute Language (TAL).
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Modifying individual form fieldsForm validation; Customizing the form template; Summary; Chapter 6: The Catalog: An Object- Oriented Search Engine; Catalogs and indexes; Adding a simple search function to the application; Defining a simple index; Creating the search view; Creating a template to display the search results; A brief diversion: Structuring our application for search; Back to search: Using multiple indexes; Indexing different kinds of objects; The catalog admin UI; Types of indexes; Summary; Chapter 7: Security; Authentication and authorization; Principals, permissions, and roles.
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"This book offers Python developers a comprehensive understanding of Grok and a look at its main features by way of developing and evolving a sample application from concept to deployment. You will learn how to use Grok to create web applications and how Grok offers you an agile and enjoyable development experience. By the end of the book, you will be able to design and develop a complete web application using Grok"--Resource description page.