Getting them close to term -- The diaper party -- Begging, borrowing, and stealing -- Gathering the troops (your helpers) -- Organizing the household -- The stuff : what you'll really need -- To minivan or not to minivan? -- Naming two -- Thinking ahead to day care and work issues -- Life with two newborns -- The daily chart -- Feeding two newborns -- On schedule or on demand? -- Coping with the nights (to sleep, perchance to scream) -- Managing the serfs -- Preemie primer -- Keeping mom healthy (and sane) -- How to get in and out of your car and other things you thought you already knew how to do -- Sleeping and eating : holdin' it together still ain't easy -- Time to get out of the house -- Life in the fat lane -- "Hey! I was here first!" sibling rivalry -- Double the guilt -- Table for two -- Sleep training two or not -- One sick, two sick (three sick, four) -- Twinproofing the house -- Traveling with twins -- Dining at animal house -- Napping nightmares (yours, not theirs) -- Talk, talk, talk : language acquisition and twins -- Life in the fat lane redux : time to get off the couch -- Raising two individuals -- Getting out as a herd -- Potty training two -- Twins and the single mother -- Having more (no, seriously!) -- Conclusion : Pressing the pause button.
Text of Note
"From a mon who's been there, 'Juggling Twins' is a funny, realistic, and reassuring guide for every new mom of twins who may be asking herself, "Can I really pull this off?" Author and mother of twins boys Meghan Regan-Loomis offers an indispensable toolkit of solutions and techniques, designed to create order out of the chaos and help your catch your breath during this daunting and exhilarating time"--Back cover.