Purpose and status of the Italian transversity project / F. Bradamante -- Transversity asymmetries / D. Boer -- The transverse angular momentum sum rule / E. Leader -- Measurement of Collins and Sivers asymmetries at HERMES / L.L. Pappalardo (for the HERMES collaboration) -- Review of SSA results on deuteron at COMPASS / A. Richter (for the COMPASS collaboration) -- Single spin asymmetries on a transversely polarized proton target at COMPASS / S. Levorato (for the COMPASS collaboration) -- New preliminary results on the transversity distribution and the Collins fragmentation functions / M. Anselmino [and others] -- Sivers effect in SIDIS pion and kaon production / M. Anselmino [and others] -- Spin-orbit correlations / M. Burkardt -- Correlation functions in hard and (semi)-inclusive processes / M. Schlegel, S. Mei[symbol]ner and A. Metz -- Transversity via exclusive [pie symbol]-electroproduction / G.R. Goldstein, S. Liuti and S. Ahmad -- Estimate of the Sivers asymmetry at intermediate energies with rescattering extracted from exclusive processes / A. Bianconi -- Exclusively produced p[symbol] asymmetries on the deuteron and future GPD measurements at COMPASS / C. Schill (for the COMPASS collaboration) -- Transversity and transverse-momentum-dependent distribution measurements from PHENIX and BRAHMS / C. Aidala (for the PHENIX and BRAHMS collaborations) -- Sivers and Collins effects in polarized pp scattering processes / M. Anselmino [and others] -- Sivers function in constituent quark models / S. Scopetta [and others] -- Sivers, Boer-Mulders and transversity in Drell-Yan processes / M. Anselmino [and others] -- TMDs and Drell-Yan experiments at Fermilab and J-PARC / J.-C. Peng -- Double polarisation observables at PAX / M. Nekipelov (for the PAX collaboration) -- Future Drell-Yan measurement @ COMPASS / M. Colantoni (for the COMPASS collaboration) -- Measurements of unpolarized azimuthal asymmetries at COMPASS / W. Käfer (for the COMPASS collaboration) -- Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries of the unpolarized cross-section at HERMES / F. Giordano (for the HERMES collaboration) -- Measurement of transversity via an interference fragmentation function at HERMES / R. Fabbri (for the HERMES collaboration) -- Relating leading and higher twist contributions to nucleon spin structure / P.G. Ratcliffe and O.V. Teryaev -- DIS at low and high transverse momentum : matches and mismatches / A. Bacchetta [and others] -- Pretzelosity distribution function h[symbol] / H. Avakian [and others] -- Transverse momentum-spin correlations / L.P. Gamberg, G.R. Goldstein and M. Schlegel -- Exploring confinement with spin / J.P. Ralston -- SIDIS asymmetries in quark-diquark model / A. Kotzinian -- Parton densities in a spectator model with axial-vector diquarks / M. Radici -- Gluonic pole matrix elements in spectator models / A. Mukherjee, L.P. Gamberg and P.J. Mulders -- TMD measurements at CLAS6 and CLAS12 / H. Avakian (for the CLAS6 and CLAS12 collaborations) -- Nucleon to pion transition distribution amplitudes in a light-cone quark model / M. Pincetti, B. Pasquini and S. Boffi -- Antiproton polarization studies for FAIR (How to polarize antiprotons and what to use them for?) / H. Ströher, F. Rathmann and P. Lenisa -- No one can encompass the unencompassable: the highlights of transversity-2008 / N.N. Nikolaev.
Text of Note
Transversity 2008, the second workshop on "Transverse polarization phenomena in hard processes" follows the first one held in Como after three years. As in that case, the event comes at the end of a two-years project financed by the Italian Ministry of Education. In the time between the two Workshops, decisive steps towards the revealing of the transverse spin structure of the proton were taken on both the theoretical and experimental sides. The milestone of the first extraction of Transversity and the Sivers function for the u- and d-quarks deserves a special mention. In the same period, historic experiments that in the last decade contributed to the first pioneering measurements in the SIDIS sector, have concluded their data taking, and their place is being taken by upgrades of existing or new facilities. These are the result of the new interesting phenomena which are appearing and call for additional experimental information and novel experimental techniques. Over 80 physicists took part in the Workshop. Equally involved were experimentalists and theoreticians engaged in investigating the nature of transverse spin. The heterogeneous public favoured vivid discussions and fruitful exchange of up-to-date theoretical and experimental ideas on this constantly evolving subject.