Introduction: Humanitarian Intervention in Contemporary International Relations ---- Part I. Concepts and Conceptions. 1. What is 'Humanitarian Intervention'? --- 2. The Just War Tradition --- 3. The Sovereign State --- 4. Theoretical Perspectives ---- Part II. Controversies. 5. Legality and Legitimacy --- 6. Sovereignty as Responsibility --- 7. Who Decides? --- 8. Motives and Means ---- Part III. Cases. 9. 'Humanitarian Intervention in History --- 10. Rwanda --- 11. Kosovo --- 12. Iraq --- 13. Darfur ---- Conclusion The Future of Humanitarian Intervention?
Text of Note
"A broad-ranging introduction to the theory, practice and politics of humanitarian intervention on the contemporary world, its historical background and future prospects after the experiences of Rwanda, Kosovo, Darfur and Iraq."--Provided by publisher.