1. Introduction to the endothelial cell / Roy Bicknell -- 2. Lung microvascular endothelial cells: defining in vitro models / William W. Carley -- 3. Bone marrow endothelium / John Sweetenham and Lisa Masek -- 4. Endothelium of the brain / Charlotte Schulze -- 5. Isolation, culture and properties of microvessel endothelium from human breast adipose tissue / Peter W. Hewett and J. Clifford Murray -- 6. Human skin microvascular endothelial cells / Zbigniew Ruszczak -- 7. Microvascular endothelium from adipose tissue / Stuart K. Williams -- 8. Endothelium of the female reproductive system / Yuan Zhao and Margaret C.P. Rees -- 9. Synovial microvascular endothelial cell isolation and culture / Stewart E. Abbot, Clifford R. Stevens and David R. Blake.
Cell culture, Laboratory manuals.
Endothelium-- Cultures and culture media, Laboratory manuals.