BOOK COVER; TITLE; COPYRIGHT; CONTENTS; 1 Prologue in the Sea; 2 Coral Fish in the Laboratory; 3 What Aggression is Good For; 4 The Spontaneity of Aggression; 5 Habit, Ritual and Magic; 6 The Great Parliament of Instincts; 7 Behavioural Analogies to Morality; 8 Anonymity of the Flock; 9 Social Organization without Love; 10 Rats; 11 The Bond; 12 On the Virtue of Scientific Humility; 13 Ecce Homo!; 14 Avowal of Optimism; Recommended Books; Bibliography; Index.
Text of Note
Hugely controversial on publication, this is an insightful and characteristically entertaining survey of animal behaviour and the evolution of aggression throughout the animal world.