Quadragesimo anno (encyclical) -- Centesimus annus (encyclical) -- Libertas praestantissimum (encyclical) -- Aristotle, The politics, selections -- Cicero, De re publica, selections -- George Washington's farewell address -- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, selections -- Robert R. Reilly, "The truths they held : the Christian and natural law background to the American constitution" -- Roe v. Wade -- Doe v. Bolton -- Abraham Lincoln, "The perpetuation of our political institutions" -- Pierce v. Society of Sisters -- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child -- Everson v. Board of Education -- Wisconsin v. Yoder -- Humanist manifesto II -- Dignitatis humanae (Vatican II document) -- Roth v. U.S -- Pacem in terris (encyclical) -- Federalist 78 -- Lincoln's second inaugural address -- Sen. Jesse Helms, speech in U.S. Senate, September 2, 1982 -- Orestes A. Brownson, "The higher law."