Aging scholarship. The fountain of gerontological discovery / Janet M. Wilmoth and Kenneth F. Ferraro. The evolution of gerontology as a scientific field of inquiry / Kenneth F. Ferraro. Demographic perspectives on aging / Janet M. Wilmoth and Charles F. Longino, Jr. -- Physical aspects of aging. Cellular and organismal aspects of senescence and longevity / David J. Waters. Cognitive aging / Aimée M. Surprenant and Ian Neath. Disability concepts and measurement: contributions of the epidemiology of disability to gerontological inquiry / Frederic D. Wolinsky and Douglas K. Miller. The role of nutrition in the older individual / Dorothy M. Morré. Exercise and aging / Michael G. Flynn -- Social aspects of aging. Socioemotional aspects of aging / Karen L. Fingerman and Brooke N. Baker. Age structures, aging, and the life course / Linda K. George. Social forces, life course consequences: cumulative disadvantage and "getting Alzheimer's" / Kathryn Z. Douthit and Dale Dannefer. Humanistic gerontology and the meaning(s) of aging / Thomas R. Cole and Michelle Sierpina -- Public policy. Retirement and financial security: an economist thinks out loud / Timothy M. Smeeding. Social lives in later life / Christine L. Himes and Ying Fang. Politics and policy in the lives of older Americans / Robert B. Hudson -- Afterword. The gerontological imagination / Kenneth F. Ferraro.
Text of Note
Designated a Doody's Core Title!. THE GROUNDBREAKING TEXT ON GERONTOLOGY, UPDATED TO ADDRESS THE INTERDISCIPLINARY NATURE OF THE STUDY OF AGING.: What is Gerontology?.; How Does Aging Affect the Mind and the Body?.; How Does Social Context Influence Aging and Life Course Development?.; What are the Needs and Interests of an Older Population?. These questions are sparking the most important research in gerontology, and this third edition of the perennial text brings the research and its resulting theories from across the various disciplines into one broad overview of gerontology. This interdisc.