Originally published as Foundations and trends in microeconomics, vol. 2, no. 3 (2006).
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 61-78).
Text of Note
Abstract -- Introduction -- The economics of criminal behavior -- The basic model -- Extensions of the basic model -- The benefits and costs of crime -- Are criminals really rational? -- Empirical studies -- Methodologic problems and criticism -- The case of capital punishment -- Guns and abortions -- The economics of public criminal law enforcement -- Probability and severity -- Fines and imprisonment -- Risk preferences -- Imperfect information -- Targeted and general enforcement -- Repeat offenders -- Enforcement errors -- Reductions in enforcement costs -- Incentives of enforcers -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- References.
Text of Note
This paper starts with a review the economics of criminal behavior. Then, the authors discuss the theory of public enforcement. The economic analysis of criminal behavior and criminal law has been a hugely successful enterprise. As an academic enterprise, it has achieved the goal of research-it has generated a large and growing literature. More important than academic success, however, has been the influence of this branch of learning on actual practice. The understanding of deterrence effects and rational responses by criminals has substantially changed the purpose and functioning of the criminal justice system.