Evolution of surgery for morbid obesity -- Pathophysiology of severe obesity and the effects of surgically induced weight loss -- Rationale for minimally invasive bariatric surgery -- Current role of open bariatric surgery -- Central nervous system regulation and hormonal signaling -- Requirements of the clinic and institution -- Preoperative evaluation of patients -- Intraoperative issues -- Bariatric surgery psychology -- Anesthetic concerns -- Restrictive surgery -- Physiology and metabolism in obesity surgery: Roux-en-Y gastric bypasss -- Malabsorptive procedures: biliopancreatic diversion-Scopinaro procedure -- Malabsorptive procedures: duodenal switch -- Possible hormonal mechanisms mediating the effects of bariatric surgery -- Metabolic syndrome: diagnosis, clinical presentation, and surgical treatment -- The learning curve -- Laparoscopic restrictive procedures: adjustable gastric banding -- Laparoscopic restrictive procedures: sleeve gastrectomy -- Laparoscopic gastric bypass: trans-oral circular stapling -- Laparoscopic gastric bypass: circular stapler technique -- Laparoscopic gastric bypass: transgastric circular stapler [VIDEO Laparoscopic gastric bypass: trans-gastric circular stapler] -- Laparoscopic gastric bypass: linear technique [VIDEO Laparoscopic gastric bypass: linear technique] -- Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y banded gastric bypass [VIDEO Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y banded gastric bypass --- Laparoscopic gastric bypass: hand sewn -- Laparoscopic gastric bypass: evaluation, safety, and efficacy of the banded gastric bypass.
Text of Note
Laparoscopic gastric bypass: silastic ring -- Laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion: approach -- Laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion: duodenal switch [VIDEO Laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion: duodenal switch -- Two-stage approach for high-risk patients -- Restrictive procedures: adjustable gastric band -- Restrictive procedures: utilization of adjustable gastric banding for failed stapled operations -- Restrictive procedures: laparoscopic revision of vertical banding to gastric bypass -- Biliopancreatic diversion: revisional surgery -- Biliopancreatic diversion: duodenal switch -- Infection in obesity surgery -- Early complications in bariatric surgery -- Late complications: ulcers, stenosis, and fistula -- Nutritional consequences and management -- Weight recidivism -- Radiographic evaluation and treatment -- Radiographic evaluation and treatment: intervention -- Endoscopic evaluation and treatment -- Gastric pacing -- Intragastric balloon [VIDEO Intra-gastric balloon placement] [VIDEO Intra-gastric balloon removal] -- Hand-assisted laparoscopic duodenal switch -- Cost and economic impact of bariatric surgery -- Adolescent bariatric surgery.