Includes bibliographical references (pages 487-494) and index.
Text of Note
Fundamentals of Compilation: Introduction -- Lexical analysis -- Parsing -- Abstract syntax -- Semantic analysis -- Activation records -- Translation to intermediate code -- Basic blocks and traces -- Instruction selection -- Liveness analysis -- Register allocation -- Putting it all together -- Advanced Topics: Garbage collection -- Object-oriented languages -- Functional programming languages -- Polymorphic types -- Dataflow analysis -- Loop optimizations -- Static single-assignment form -- Pipelining and scheduling -- The memory hierarchy -- Appendix: Mini-Java reference manual.
Text of Note
This textbook describes all phases of a modern compiler, including current techniques in code generation and register allocation, for imperative, functional and object-oriented languages. In a concise and practical way the author describes the fundamentals of compilation and then moves on to advanced topics such as SSA form, loop scheduling, and optimization for cache-memory hierarchies. The new edition features a redesigned compiler project in Java, for a subset of Java itself, covering both front-end and back-end phases.