Introduction -- About this book -- Conventions used in this book -- What you're not to read -- Foolish assumptions -- How this book is organized -- Part 1: Every Breath You Take: The Who, What, And Why Of COPD -- Part 2: Catching Your Breath: Treating COPD -- Part 3: In The Next Breath: Managing Your Overall Health -- Part 4: Breathing Easier: Living With COPD -- Part 5: Part Of Tens -- Glossary -- Icons used in this book -- Where to go from here -- Part 1: Every Breath You Take: The Who, What, And Why Of COPD -- Understanding COPD -- What COPD is and isn't -- What COPD is: the deadly combo -- What COPD isn't: other lung ailments -- How COPD affects your body -- Loss of energy -- Loss of muscle strength -- Working harder for fewer results -- How COPD affects your life -- Missing work -- Skipping social activities -- Doing less at home -- Losing it emotionally -- How you lungs work -- Your breathing system -- What happens when you breathe -- Your body's air filtration system -- Healthy lungs versus damaged lungs -- Healthy lungs -- Damaged lungs -- Factors that influence your lung function -- Age -- Environmental factors -- Lifestyle factors -- COPD risk factors -- Risky behaviors -- Smoking: the number-one risk -- On-the-job risks -- Air quality -- Gender age, and economic status -- Why women are more susceptible to COPD -- Why COPD generally strikes after age 40 -- Why low-income patients are at risk -- Looking back: heredity and medical history -- Genetic link to COPD -- What your family history says about your COPD risk -- What your own medical history says about your COPD risk -- Other possible risk factors -- Assessing your risk -- Part 2: Catching Your Breath: Treating COPD -- Diagnosis and what it means -- Knowing which tests your doctor may run -- Spirometry testing -- Bronchodilator reversibility -- Diffusion capacity -- Oximetry -- Lung volume tests -- Chest X-rays -- Arterial blood gas tests -- Ruling out other lung diseases -- Asthma -- Lung cancer -- Tuberculosis -- Pleurisy -- Assessing the severity of your COPD -- At-risk classification -- Mild COPD -- Moderate COPD -- Severe COPD -- Recognizing that there's no cure, only care -- Things you can do to feel better -- Things your doctor can do to help you feel better -- Emotional impact of COPD -- Now what do I do? -- Identifying your limitations -- Facing your fears -- Grieving for your life as it used to be -- Getting adjusted to your new life -- Letting in your loved ones -- Dealing with emotions -- Understanding resentment-on both sides -- Figuring it out together -- Managing stress -- Relaxing the body and mind -- Cutting back on stress inducers -- Taking care of yourself -- Finding other support -- People like you: COPD groups -- Talking it out: what therapy can do -- Considering antidepressants -- Developing coping strategies -- Building your healthcare team -- Finding a doctor -- What kind of doctor do you want? -- Where to look -- What to look for -- Comfort factor -- First stop: your primary-care physician -- Assessing your general health -- Tracking vital functions -- Getting referrals to specialists -- Answering your questions -- Pulmonologist -- What a pulmonologist looks for -- How a pulmonologist can help -- Dietitian or nutritionist -- Improved nutrition equals better health -- Assessing your eating habits -- Setting nutritional goals -- Creating a regimen that works for you -- Occupational therapist -- Helping your achieve your daily goals -- Targeted exercise for your goals -- Counselor -- Dealing with depression -- Keeping up your mental energy -- Balancing wild hopes and realistic expectations -- Pulmonary rehabilitation -- Rehab goals -- Who needs rehab -- COPD treatment goals -- Controlling progression and symptoms -- Changing your lifestyle to ease symptoms -- Prescribing medicines to treat symptoms -- Minimizing side effects -- Preventing and treating complications -- COPD's cohorts -- Sudden onset of severe symptoms -- Optimizing lung function -- Increasing your tolerance for physical exercise -- Trying breathing exercises -- Keeping your airways clear -- Drug treatments -- Bronchodilators -- Short-acting bronchodilators -- Long-acting bronchodilators -- Common side effects -- Steroids -- Forms of steroids -- Side effects of steroids -- Withdrawal effects -- Combination drugs -- Mucolytic agents -- Using inhalers properly -- Using an inhaler without a spacer -- Using an inhaler with a spacer -- Using dry-powder inhalers -- Caring for your inhalers -- Using a nebulizer -- Oxygen therapy -- When it's needed -- Home oxygen equipment -- Oxygen delivery systems -- Taking your meds properly -- Surgery and alternative treatments -- Surgical options -- Bullectomy -- Lung volume reduction surgery -- Lung transplant -- Alternative treatments -- Acupuncture -- Nutritional supplements -- Herbal treatments -- Part 3: In the next breath: managing your overall health -- First, best thing you can do: quit smoking -- Dying for a cigarette -- Biomechanics of nicotine addiction -- Toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke -- Recognizing smoke's effects on your body -- Immediate effects of smoking -- Long-term effects of smoking -- What happens when you quit -- How quitting helps your body -- Temporary downside: withdrawal -- Why you should quit, even if you have COPD -- Trying a variety of cessation techniques -- Cold turkey -- Hypnosis -- Antidepressants -- Nicotine replacement -- Chantix -- Behavioral changes.
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Nutrition and weight management -- Knowing which foods help -- Fruits and vegetables -- Omega-3 fatty acids -- Water -- Being aware of which foods can hurt -- Carbohydrates -- Salt and sodium -- Bad fats -- Nitrites -- Potential problem foods -- Fruits and vegetables -- Fried and spicy foods -- Dairy products -- Caffeine -- Controlling your weight -- Risks of being overweight -- Risks of being underweight -- Changing the way you eat -- Eliminating heavy meals -- Adding more, smaller meals -- Good-for-you snacking -- What a healthy diet looks like -- Protein you need -- Vital vitamins and minerals -- Fiber -- Dietary supplements -- Pros and cons -- What to look for -- Getting motivated to move -- How movement affects your body -- Help for your circulatory system -- Help for your respiratory system -- Help for your sense of well-being -- Setting goals for your quality of life -- Thinking about what you'd like to do -- Measuring your progress -- Knowing why it matters -- Exercise training -- Increasing your tolerance for exertion -- Strengthening your limbs -- Warming up -- Cooling down -- Designing your exercise regimen -- How to start -- How often to do it -- How long to do it -- When to take it easy -- Breathing easier: living with COPD -- Day in your life with COPD -- Your daily rhythm -- Identifying your rhythm -- Morning rituals -- Energy for the afternoon -- Quiet evenings -- Loosening up -- Starting from the foundations -- Choosing the right clothes and accessories -- Dressing for the weather -- Running hot and cold -- Fans and air-conditioning -- Heating options -- Working with COPD -- Talking to your employer -- Adjusting your duties -- Adjusting your schedule -- Knowing when you shouldn't work -- Planning for a time when you can't work -- Outing with COPD -- Choosing your activities -- Checking the weather -- Planning ahead -- Making your home you-friendly -- It's all within reach -- Reorganizing things you use often -- Tools to help you get around -- Tools to help you move your stuff around -- Simplify, simplify -- Keeping meals simple -- Quick cleaning tips -- Creating a social center -- On the level -- Minimize trips up and down stairs -- Install handy ramps -- When you have to stretch and bend -- Asking for help -- Calling on family and friends -- Outsourcing chores -- When it's time for a home aide -- Clearing the air at home -- Types of indoor air pollution -- Biological sources -- Gases -- Chemicals -- Particles -- Cleaning the air -- Eliminating the source -- Improving ventilation -- Using fresheners, filters, and purifiers -- Preparing for emergencies -- Suddenly severe symptoms -- Defining a crisis -- What causes them -- Other complications -- Preventing sudden attacks -- What you can do -- Why it matters -- Treating sudden attacks -- At home -- In the ambulance, emergency room, or hospital -- Creating an emergency plan -- Knowing your warning signs -- When to call your doctor -- When to call for an ambulance -- Information you'll need -- End-of-life planning -- Starting the discussion -- Discussing whether you want life-sustaining treatments -- Considering resuscitation: CPR -- Putting it in writing -- Helping a loved one with COPD -- Brushing up on COPD -- How COPD affects your loved one -- How your loved one's COPD affects you -- Understanding the treatment -- Commonly prescribed drugs -- Recommended lifestyle changes -- Looking at other ways you can help -- Arranging outings -- Helping with household chores -- Adapting the COPD home -- Helping find new interests -- Keeping your loved one comfortable -- Paying attention to emotional health -- Getting involved in medical care -- Talking with the medical team -- Understanding the instructions -- Providing transportation -- Coping with crises -- Whom to call -- When to call -- What medical personnel need to know -- Part of tens -- Ten things to avoid if you have COPD -- Smoke -- Fumes -- High pollution areas -- Windy, dusty days -- Very cold air -- High humidity -- Heavy meals -- High sodium content -- Sick people -- Overexertion -- Ten myths about COPD -- COPD is a rare condition -- COPD is a man's disease -- Only smokers get COPD -- Quitting smoking can cure COPD -- When you have COPD, there's no reason to quit smoking -- Children get COPD -- COPD is only a problem when symptoms are severe -- COPD can't be treated -- When you go on oxygen, you have to be on it forever -- People with COPD can't live normal lives -- Ten strategies for coping with COPD -- See your doctor regularly -- Set goals for your daily activity level -- Establish an exercise regimen -- Eat healthfully -- Use your meds correctly -- Conserve your energy -- Go easy on yourself -- Find a support group -- Do things you enjoy -- Let others help -- Ten (or so) health factors linked with COPD -- Heart problems -- Hardening of the arteries -- C-reactive protein levels -- High blood pressure -- Obesity -- Weight loss -- Diabetes -- Osteoporosis -- Barrel chest -- Pulmonary infections -- Metabolic syndrome -- Glossary -- Index.
Text of Note
Overview: Make your home COPD friendly. Your reassuring guide to understanding and managing COPD and getting on with your life. Want to know more about COPD? This straightforward guide provides clear information about this progressive disease, explaining how to recognize the warning signs, get diagnosed, and choose the best treatment. You'll see how diet, exercise, and medication affect your symptoms and make your life easier. Discover how to: Know your risk factors; Find the right doctors; Quit smoking, start exercising, and change your diet; Improve your overall health; Prepare for emergencies; Help loved ones with COPD.
Lungs-- Diseases, Obstructive, Popular works.
Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive, Popular Works.