Part one: Basic electrical engineering principles (1. Units associated with basic electrical quantities ; 2. An introduction to electrical circuits ; 3. Resistance variation ; 4. Batteries and alternative sources of energy ; 5. Series and parallel networks ; 6. Capacitors and capacitance ; 7. Magnetic circuits ; 8. Electromagnetism ; 9. Electromagnetic induction ; 10. Electrical measuring instruments and measurements ; 11. Semiconductor diodes ; 12. Transistors) -- Part two: Electrical principles and technology (13. DC circuit theory ; 14. Alternating voltages and currents ; 15. Single-phase series AC circuits ; 16. Single-phase parallel circuits ; 17. DC transients ; 18. Operational amplifiers ; 19. Three-phase systems ; 20. Transformers ; 21. DC machines ; 22. Three-phase induction motors) -- Part three: Advanced circuit theory and technology (23. Revision of complex numbers ; 24. Application of complex numbers to series AC circuits ; 25. Application of complex numbers to parallel AC networks ; 26. Power in AC circuits ; 27. AC bridges ; 28. Series resonance and Q-factor ; 29. Parallel resonance and Q-factor ; 30. Introduction to network analysis ; 31. Mesh-current and modal analysis ; 32. The superposition theorem ; 33. Thévenin's and Norton's theorems; 34. Delta-star and star-delta transformations ; 35. Maximum power transfer theorems and impedance matching ; 36. Complex waveforms ; 37. A numerical method of harmonic analysis ; 38. Magnetic materials ; 39. Dielectrics and dielectric loss ; 40. Field theory ; 41. Attentuators ; 42. Filter networks ; 43. Magnetically coupled circuits ; 44. Transmission lines ; 45. Transients and Laplace transforms) -- Part four: General reference.
Text of Note
Suitable for courses in electrical principles, circuit theory, and electrical technology, this title provides 800 worked examples and over 1000 further problems for students to work through at their own pace.
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Taylor & Francis, C/O Kentucky Dist Center 7625 Empire Dr, Florence, KY, USA, 41042