Herbal treatment of epilepsy (phytotherapy) / Daniel J. Luciano and Marcello Spinella -- Homeopathy / Simon Taffler -- Naturopathic medicine / Nora Jane Pope -- Traditional Chinese medicine / Shaobai Wang and Yanmei Li -- Acupuncture / Karl O. Nakken -- Nutrition / Mark Rudderham, Rachel Laff, and Orrin Devinsky -- The use of fatty acids in the diet for seizure management / David I. Mostofsky and Schlomo Yehuda -- The ketogenic diet / John M. Freeman -- Hormonal therapy / Alan R. Jacobs -- Transcranial magnetic stimulation / Michael Orth and Michael R. Trimble.
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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy / Peter Rosenbaum and Kassia J. Johnson -- The role of carbon dioxide in enhancing oxygen delivery to the brain / Coralee Thompson and Denise Malkowicz -- The chiropractic perspective on alternative and complementary therapies / Brian Gleberzon -- The osteopathic approach to children with seizure disorders / Viola M. Frymann -- Craniosacral therapy / Ginger Nash -- Music therapy / Concetta M. Tomaino -- Art therapy / Steven C. Schachter and Elizabeth Coss -- Pet therapy / Stephen W. Brown.
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The relevance of dual blindness to complementary and alternative complementary therapies / Brian Gleberzon -- Stress and epilepsy / Carol J. Schramke and Kevin M. Kelly -- Comprehensive neurobehavioral approach / Donna J. Andrews and Joel M. Reiter -- Seizure generation / Peter Fenwick -- Neurofeedback therapy / M. Barry Sterman -- Autogenic training / Noelle Berger -- Massage / Bernard Mueller -- Aromatherapy and hypnosis / Tim Betts -- Meditation / K.K. Deepak -- Exercise and yoga / Steven V. Pacia -- Ayurveda: the ancient Indian system of medicine / Satish Jain -- Herbal therapy / Joan A. Conry and Phillip L. Pearl.
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Annotation "Epilepsy is a difficult illness to control: up to 35% of patients do not respond fully to traditional medical treatments. For this reason, many people with epilepsy choose to rely on or incorporate complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into their treatment regimens. Written for physicians and other professionals, as well as for knowledgeable laypersons, Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Epilepsy bridges the worlds of traditional medicine and CAM to foster a broader perspective of healthcare for patients."--BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Complementary and alternative therapies for epilepsy.