"Bibliograhie Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich"; p. [333]-359.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Frontmatter; Inhalt; Vorwort; Sehnsucht nach vollendeter Gerechtigkeit; Hiob in der jüdischen Tradition; Die Vorstellung vom Leid im Judentum; Wo wohnt Gott? Die Vorstellung von der Schechina; Kawwanah; Der Prophet Jeremia; Zur Geschichte der Pharisäer; Das Jüdische im Christentum; Der Islam im Vergleich zum Judentum; Luther und die Juden; Messianismus und Zionismus; Emanzipation und christliches Abendland; Was eint die Juden?; Pluralismus im Judentum; Der Reformprozess in der jüdischen Geschichte; Die Aufgaben der Juden in Europa.
Text of Note
The well-known Judaic scholar and historian, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007), started his academic career in 1940 at the Berlin College for Judaic Studies. In 1943 he successfully fled from Nazi Germany to Switzerland. He held academic posts at the Universities of Zurich, Basle, Frankfurt/Main and Berlin. From an early stage in his career, Ehrlich worked for dialogue between Jews and Christians. During the Second Vatican Council he was an adviser to Cardinal Augustin Bea drafting the statement Nostrae Aetate dealing with relations between the Catholic Church and non-Christian religions. This.