Social being and social consciousness / Marx, Engels -- Uneven character of historical development and questions of art / Marx -- Poetry of the future / Marx -- Against vulgar Marxism / Engels -- On realism / Engels -- Leo Tolstoy and his epoch / V.I. Lenin -- The formalist school of poetry and Marxism / Leon Trotsky -- Concerning the relationship of the basis and superstructures / V.N. Volos̆inov -- Surrealism : the last snapshot of the European intelligentsia ; Addendum to 'The Paris of the second empire in Baudelaire' / Walter Benjamin -- Marxism and poetry / Ernst Bloch -- English poets : the period of primitive accumulation / Christopher Caudwell -- The relativity of literary value / Alick West -- A short organum for the theatre / Bertolt Brecht -- The tasks of Brechtian criticism / Roland Barthes -- The ideology of modernism / Georg Lukács -- The semantic dialectic / Galvano Della Volpe -- Commitment / T.W. Adorno -- Introduction to the problems of a sociology of the novel / Lucien Goldmann -- The objective spirit / Jean-Paul Sartre.
Text of Note
Tragedy and revolution ; Literature / Raymond Williams -- A letter on art in reply to André Daspre / Louis Althusser -- On literature as an ideological form / Etienne Balibar and Pierre Macherey -- Towards a science of the text / Terry Eagleton -- Women's writing : Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, Aurora Leigh / The Marxist-Feminist Literature Collective -- On interpretation / Fredric Jameson -- Jameson's rhetoric of otherness and the 'national allegory' / Aijaz Ahmad -- The materialism of cultural nationalism : Achebe's "Things fall apart" and "Arrow of God" / Chidi Amuta -- The jargon of postmodernity / Alex Callinicos.
Text of Note
This reader provides a sense of the historical formation of a Marxist literary tradition. A unique compilation of principal texts in that tradition, it creates new ways of reading Marxism, literature, theory, and the social possibilities of writing.