Planning, temporally extended agency, and self-governance. Reflection, planning, and temporally extended agency ; Valuing and the will ; Hierarchy, circularity, and double reduction ; Two problems about human agency ; Nozick on free will. Appendix: Nozick, free will, and the problem of agential authority ; A desire of one's own ; Autonomy and hierarchy ; Three forms of agential commitment: reply to Cullity and Gerrans -- ; Planning agency, autonomous agency ; Three theories of self-governance -- Extending the theory temptation revisited ; Shared valuing and frameworks for practical reasoning.
Text of Note
This is a collection of published and unpublished essays by distinguished philosopher Michael E. Bratman of Stanford University. They revolve around his influential theory, know as the "planning theory of intention and agency." Bratman's primary concern is with what he calls "strong" forms of human agency--including forms of human agency that are the target of our talk about self-determination, self-government, and autonomy. These essays are unified and cohesive in theme, and will be of interest to philosophers in ethics and metaphysics.