Preface to the Second Edition; Preface and Acknowledgements to the First Edition; Nomenclature; PART I: CHAPTER I: From tradition to the twentieth century; CHAPTER II: Non-existent acupuncture points; CHAPTER III: Radiation and the non-existent meridians; CHAPTER IV: Strong Reactors; Strong Reactors and drugs; The Inhibited Patient; CHAPTER V: The liver or upper digestive dysfunction; CHAPTER VI: Psycho-somatic and somato-psychic conditions; CHAPTER VII: Micro-acupuncture; Hyper-micro-acupuncture; CHAPTER VIII: Periosteal acupuncture; CHAPTER IX: The ideal frequency of treatment by acupuncture; CHAPTER X: Where should the patient be needled? PART II: SECTION 1: Sacro-iliac joint area; SECTION 2: Anterior superior iliac spine area; SECTION 3: Lumbar spinous processes area; SECTION 4: Cervical articular pillar area; SECTION 5: Dorsalis pedis/dorsal interosseous area; SECTION 6: Medial infragenual area; SECTION 7: Gastrocnemius tendon area; SECTION 8: Varicose ulcer area; SECTION 9: Cardiac areas. Medial arm area. Sternum; SECTION 10: Trapezius/occiput area; SECTION 11: Mastoid process area; SECTION 12: Lambdoid suture area; SECTION 13: Painful shoulder; SECTION 14: The foot; SECTION 15: The hand and wrist; SECTION 16: The vertebral column; SECTION 17: The chest; SECTION 18: The face; Abbreviations; Index.
Text of Note
In this new edition of Dr Mann's bestselling book he discusses controversial issues such as * Do acupuncture points exist? * Are there such things as meridians *The interplay between mind and body * The new concept of large areas responding to stimuli rather than having to use specific acupuncture points for treatment.