Designing instruments for climate policy / Thomas Sterner, Henrik Hammar -- Technical innovation and design choices for emissions trading and other climate policies / Carolyn Fischer -- Incentives to adopt new abatement technology and US-European regulatory cultures / Reimund Schwarze -- Implications of the US experience with market-based environment strategies for future climate policy / Robert N. Stavins -- US experience with emissions trading: lessons for CO₂ emissions trading / A. Denny Ellerman -- Climate change policy viewed from the USA and the role of intensity targets / Charles D. Kolstad -- Design issues of a domestic carbon emissions trading system in the USA / Richard D. Morgenstern -- Regulation or coordination: European climate policy between Scylla and Charybdis / Mikael Skou Andersen -- Lobbying and CO₂ trade in the EU / Gert Tinggaard Svendsen -- Greenhouse gas emissions trading in the EU: building the world's largest cap-and-trade scheme / Peter Zapfel -- Legal aspects of the European emissions trading scheme / Michael Rodi -- Emissions trading schemes in Europe: linking the EU emissions trading scheme with national programs / Sven Bode -- Concluding observations / Bernd Hansjürgens.
Text of Note
Bringing together economists, political scientists and lawyers, this book provides a description, analysis and evaluation of emissions trading as an instrument to control greenhouse gases. Offering a systematic comparison of US and European experiences of emissions trading, it will be essential reading for all those concerned with climate policy.