There's no time to save money like the present -- The recession test and other consciousness-raising tools -- Are employee benefits benefiting you? -- There's no accounting for waste -- Money in the bank -- Utilize savvy in controlling utility and Internet costs -- Employees: the economics of keeping the good ones and losing the bad ones -- Don't sell yourself short: controlling sales and marketing costs -- Avoid manufacturing more costs than you already have -- Capital investments versus capital punishment -- Purchasing everything from cleaning services to coffee -- Hidden opportunities: the savings that exist beneath the surface -- Indirect strategies to generate savings.
Text of Note
Author Tim Gase learned the hard way that controlling costs requires staying informed, thinking creatively, and working proactively no matter what type of business you're in. Based in part on his experiences as CEO of a small manufacturing company, The Small Business Savings Plan is filled with advice organized into accessible categories: employee benefits, taxes, utilities, capital investment strategies, and more.