CorelDRAW X5 essentials -- Getting started with CorelDRAW X5 -- Working with object tools -- Working with text -- Attributes for objects and lines -- Creating the illusion of 3D objects -- Creating special effects -- The bitmap side of Corel graphics suite -- Thinking outside of the (tool) box.
Text of Note
"Learn to create outstanding fine art and eye-catching commercial graphics with one powerful tool! CorelDRAW X5: The Official Guide is your comprehensive reference and workbook to get you started designing visually captivating CorelDRAW artwork. Learn, step by step, how to create the illustrations you've imagined, quickly assemble layouts for print and package designs, import and edit photos, master the art of typography and the science of color theory, make 3D scenes from 2D objects, and apply special effects to ordinary pictures. Packed with expert techniques and advice for creating professional-quality art, this is your one-stop CorelDRAW X5 reference and hands-on guide"--