SUPPLY CHAIN OVERVIEWParadigm Shift in Product TraceabilityRFID MarketsEconomic Feasibility of Rolling out RFID (in Terms of Cost/Benefit Analysis, ROIs)RRFID Technology InfrastructureWeb-Centric Supply Chain Management challengesRFID TECHNOLOGYPrimary DriversSelection Guideline on Tags, Servers and MiddlewareRFID Implementation ExamplesRFID APPLICATIONS IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTLogisticsManagementSTORING AND RETRIEVING DATATwo Big QuestionsEPC Technology in Functional AreasPerceptions of Retail Product BenefitsDatabase CD on Local WorkstationRemote Database ServersDatabases in Company Merger ProcessesHybrid DatabasesWeb ServicesRFID BUSINESS PROCESSESImplementation ApproachesBusiness Process ReengineeringOrganizational MaturityBasic Multi-Layer Business Process ModelAdaptive Multi-Layer Business Process ModelPredictive Multi-Layer Business Process ModelRFID Business Processes StrategiesRFID Enterprise Supply Chain SystemsRFID Business Process Life CycleRFID SECURITY, PRIVACY AND RISK ASSESSMENTSecurity PolicySecurity of RFID QueryAttacks on RFID TechnologyDefense in DepthRisk AssessmentAppendix A: Passive RFID TechnologyAppendix B: Active RFID TechnologyAppendix C: Semi-Passive RFID TechnologyAppendix D: RFID MiddlewareAppendix E: Network/Server InterfacesAppendix F: Physical Markup Language for RFID applicationsAppendix G: Warehouse Management SystemsAppendix H: Supply Chain Execution SystemsAppendix I: Enterprise Intelligence:WebFOCUSAppendix J: Enterprise DatabasesAppendix K: Data synchronization: GoldenGateAppendix L: Partitioning Large Databases: OracleAppendix M: Software Engineering StandardsAppendix N: Business Process Automation: IBM ProductsAppendix O: Commercial Assessment ToolsAppendix P: Risk Related SoftwareAppendix Q: Sample security Policy Templates.
Text of Note
"Helping you bring your organization into the future, RFID in the Supply Chain: A Guide to Selection and Implementation explains RFID technology, its applications in SCM, data storage and retrieval, business processes, operational and implementation problems, risks, security and privacy, facility layout, handling systems and methods, and transportation costs. In short, with its soup-to-nuts coverage, the book ensures that your RFID implementation is successful and that you get the most from your investment."--Jacket.