In search of the public domain during the prehistory of copyright law / F. Willem Grosheide -- Copyright's public domain / Ronan Deazley -- The public domain : right or liberty? / John Cahir -- The public domain and international intellectual property law treaties / Antony Taubman -- The public domain and the public interest / Gillian Davies -- Altering the contours of the public domain / Fiona Macmillan -- Creativity, innovation and intellectual property : a new approach for the 21st century / John Howkins -- The public domain and the librarian / Toby Bainton -- The public domain and the creative author / Bill Thompson -- The public domain and the economist / Manfredi M.A. La Manna -- The public domain and public sector information / Richard Susskind -- Audiences in tradition : traditional knowledge and the public domain / Johanna Gibson -- Scientific research agendas : controlled and shaped by the scope of patentability / Helen Wallace and Susan Mayer -- The public domain : ideology vs. interest / Anne Bruce -- A rights free world : is it workable, and what is the point? / Graham Dutfield -- The priorities, the values, the public / Charlotte Waelde.
Text of Note
As technological progress marches on, so anxiety over the shape of the public domain is likely to continue if not increase. This collection helps to define the boundaries within which the debate over the shape of law and policy should take place. From historical analysis to discussion of contemporary developments, the importance of the public domain in its cultural and scientific contexts is explored by lawyers, scientists, economists, librarians, journalists and entrepreneurs. The contributions will both deepen and enliven the reader's understanding of the public domain in its many guises, an.