Whither research in marketing? -- Where are we and where are we going? The status and future of research in marketing -- Beyond incommensurability? Empirical expansion on diversity in research -- Grounded theory, ethnography and phenomenology: a comparative analysis of three qualitative strategies for marketing research -- Qualitative research in marketing road-map for a wilderness of complexity and unpredictability -- The rise and fall of the Latin Square in marketing: a cautionary tale -- Equivalence of survey data : relevance for international marketing -- The evolution of "classical mythology" within marketing meaure development -- Long life to marketing research: a postmodern view.
Text of Note
Features pieces from leading figures in the field such as John Saunders, Evert Gummesson and Dale Littler. A number of the UK authors are key people with regard to the UK Academy of Marketing. The e-book looks at positive and negative aspects of the current status of marketing research.