Seeing through a carbon lens / Chris Anderson -- Pan-sentience / Brian Goodwin -- Optimizing our design / Sam Harris -- The Popperian sound bite / Rebecca Goldstein -- Specialized intelligences / Roger C. Schank -- What could a neuron "want"? / Daniel C. Dennett -- "Where are you, Sue?" / Susan Blackmore -- Solving the hard problem / Nicholas Humphrey -- Neuroscience and philosophy / Barry C. Smith -- Wiggle room / Jesse Bering -- We are custodians of a posthuman future / Martin Rees -- Finite and edgeless / Janna Levin -- Reconsolidating memory / Joseph Ledoux -- The internet and centralization of power / Nicholas Carr -- Cyberspace has become just another place to do business / Douglas Rushkoff -- To unify or not to unify / Marcelo Gleiser -- Demolishing myths / Freeman Dyson -- Unfettered by facts / Roger Highfield -- Animal sacrifice / Daniel Engber -- Where are they? / Ray Kurzweil -- Might robots see God? / Rudy Rucker -- Seeing ahead / Ed Regis -- Everything / Nick Bostrom -- The universe's escape velocity / Gino Segre -- What we learn in the living realm of biology / Arnold Trehub -- We differ genetically more than we thought / Mark Pagel -- The limits to analogy / Piet Hut -- Wrestling with Piaget / Haward Gardner -- Non-veridical perception / Donald Hoffman -- Gone fishing / Robert Provine -- Science and democracy / Charles Seife -- The trouble with relativism / Timothy Taylor -- Political science / Leon Lederman -- The paleolithic mind / Dan Sperber -- There are no moral facts / Thomas Metzinger -- Adaptation and human thought / Marc D. Hauser -- The soul / Todd E. Feinberg -- Mathematical objects exist only because we do / Keith Devlin -- Where does grammar come from? / Daniel Everett -- Nothing emerges from scratch / Gary Marcus -- The overloading of Bob / David Dalrymple -- The bird's-eye view and the frog's-eye view / Max Tegmark -- Looking at minds / Robert Sapolsky -- What is constant in you is not material / Tor Nørretranders -- The four-year itch / Helen Fisher -- Shifting from forward into reverse / Steve Nadis -- A universe that is random and unpredictable / Paul Steinhardt -- We need new metaphors / Rodney Brooks -- Greenland changed my mind / William H. Calvin -- In denial / J. Craig Venter -- Faster than we thought / Laurence C. Smith -- Irrationality and human nature / Lee M. Silver -- About time / Lee Smolin -- Local or nonlocal? / Stephon Alexander -- We are inefficient energy engines / A. Garrett Lisi -- The string-loop war / John Baez -- A dark future / Lawrence Krauss -- The environment sets up the brain / Stephen M. Kosslyn -- The Wittgenstein straitjacket / Ernst Pöppel -- The coup de grâce from space / Scott D. Sampson -- The greater risk / Peter Schwartz -- The collaborative community / Kevin Kelly -- Non-story thinking / Alan Kay -- Establishing cognitive sex differences / Diane F. Halpern -- What responsible scientists must do when facts change / Stephen H. Schneider -- Noise on the blog / Xeni Jardin -- The robot in the wings / Sherry Turkle -- Happy with what you've got / Daniel Gilbert -- What constitutes life satisfaction? / Daniel Kahneman -- Good old stuff sucks / Stewart Brand -- Against human spaceflight / Oliver Morton -- The generalization assumption / Judith Rich Harris -- Spike timing in cortical neurons / Terrence Sejnowski -- Hanging out with the boys / Jonathan Haidt -- Standing up for atheism / Patrick Batseon -- Without a God / Alan Alda -- Have humans stopped evolving? / Steven Pinker -- Evolution in real time / Nicholas A. Christakis -- Laws as emergent with the universe / Paul Davies -- Constancy of the persona / Leo M. Chalupa -- Friendship and faith / Scott Atran -- The marginal role of science / Marco Iacoboni -- Hominoid cuisine / Richard Wrangham -- How not to overthrow the system / Sean Carroll -- Pay attention! / Linda Stone -- The brain's equation / Stanislas Dehaene -- Making and changing minds / Mary Catherine Bateson -- The practice of science finds itself imperiled / Carolyn Porco -- Science and technology : joined at the hip / Aubrey de Grey -- "More dumbbells but more Nobels" / Helen Cronin -- Against debunking / Frank Wilczek -- Self-improvement / Philip Campbell -- The inexplicable monks / Daniel Goleman -- The sexual strategies of women / David M. Buss -- Smothing science with silence / Robert Shapiro -- From revolutionary to evolutionary / Brian Eno -- Received wisdom / Paul Ewald -- Quantum technology / Anton Zeilinger -- What my students taught me / Seth Lloyd -- Science's best friend / Adam Bly -- The polestar / PZ Myers -- Controlling your own data / Esther Dyson -- VR therapy / Jaron Lanier -- The power of reasons / Austin Dacey -- We are not all the same / Samon Baron-Cohen -- Heeding the butterfly effect / David Sloan Wilson -- Programming nature / Neil Gershenfeld -- Prediction engines / Paul Saffo -- Making the imaginary real / Alison Gopnik -- A nightmare we need to wake up from / Jordan Pollack -- Electricity in the raw / George Johnson -- Out among the people / Geoffrey Miller -- Bleak / Steve Connor -- Changing my religion / Roger Bingham -- The handicap principle / Richard Dawkins -- A law of laws / Gregory Benford -- Operation perceptual freedom / Lera Boroditsky -- The Russian colonization of North America / George B. Dyson -- Stretching your mind / Jamshed Bharucha -- Sexual selection : a revived teleology / Denis Dutton -- Human innovation fueled human evolution / Linda S. Gottfredson -- The doctrine of joint belief / Clay Shirky -- Universities and the pursuit of truth / Randolph M. Nesse -- Big ideas need time to soak in / David Gelernter -- Consultations properly run / Mark Henderson -- The social graph as the next big thing / Tim O'Reilly -- The specialness of citizenship / David Goodhart -- The fallacy of probability / Nassim Nicholas Taleb -- The sample mean / Bart Kosko -- Do it yourself / W. Daniel Hillis.
Text of Note
150 high-powered thinkers discuss their most telling missteps and reconsiderations.
Cover Title presents what have you changed your mind about?