Ice Nucleation, Propagation and Deep Supercooling : the Lost Tribes of Freezing Studies / M.E. Wisniewski, L.V. Gusta, M.P. Fuller and D. Karlson -- Low-temperature Damage to Wheat in Head : Matching Perceptions with Reality / M.P. Fuller, J. Christopher and T. Fredericks -- Freezing Behaviours in Plant Tissues : Visualization using NMR Micro-imaging and Biochemical Regulatory Factors Involved / M. Ishikawa, H. Ide, W.S. Price, Y. Arata, T. Nakamura and T. Kishimoto -- Factors Related to Change of Deep Supercooling Capability in Xylem Parenchyma Cells of Trees / S. Fujikawa, J. Kasuga, N. Takata and K. Arakawa -- Plant Cold-shock Domain Proteins : on the Tip of an Iceberg / D. Karlson, K. Nakaminami, K. Thompson, Y. Yang, V. Chaikam and P. Mulinti -- Expressional and Functional Characterization of Arabidopsis Cold-shock Domain Proteins / K. Sasaki, M.-H. Kim and R. Imai -- Plasma Membrane and Plant Freezing Tolerance : Possible Involvement of Plasma Membrane Microdomains in Cold Acclimation / A. Minami, Y. Kawamura, T. Yamazaki, A. Furuto and M. Uemura -- Global Expression of Cold-responsive Genes in Fruit Trees / C.L. Bassett and M.E. Wisniewski -- Could Ethanolic Fermentation During Cold Shock Be a Novel Plant Cold Stress Coping Strategy? / F. Kaplan, D.Y. Sung, D. Haskell, G.S. Riad, M. Popp, M. Amaya, A. LaBoon, Y. Kawamura, Y. Tominaga, J. Kopka, M. Uemura, K.-J. Lee, J.K. Brecht and C.L. Guy -- Bud Set : A Landmark of the Seasonal Growth Cycle in Poplar / A. Rohde -- An Epigenetic Memory from Time of Embryo Development Affects Climatic Adaptation in Norway Spruce / Ø. Johnsen, H. Kvaalen, I. Yakovlev, O.G. Dæhlen, C.G. Fossdal and T. Skrøppa -- The Influence of Temperature on Dormancy Induction and Plant Survival in Woody Plants / L. Kalcsits, S. Silim and K. Tanino -- Winter Hardiness and the CBF Genes in the Triticeae / E.J. Stockinger -- Regulation of Stress-responsive Signalling Pathways by Eudicot CBF/DREB1 Genes / A. Nassuth and M. Siddiqua -- Evolution of Plant Cold Hardiness and its Manifestation along the Latitudinal Gradient in the Canadian Arctic / J. Svoboda -- Ice Encasement Damage on Grass Crops and Alpine Plants in Iceland : Impact of Climate Change / B.E. Gudleifsson -- Impact of Simulated Acid Snow Stress on Leaves of Cold-acclimated Winter Wheat / K. Arakawa, H. Inada and S. Fujikawa -- Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Enhance Vulnerability to Frost Damage in a Warming World / M.C. Ball and M.J. Hill -- The Occurrence of Winter-freeze Events in Fruit Crops Grown in the Okanagan Valley and the Potential Impact of Climate Change / H.A. Quamme, A.J. Cannon, D. Neilsen, J.M. Caprio and W.G. Taylor -- Cold Hardiness in Antarctic Vascular Plants / L.A. Bravo, L. Bascuñán-Godoy, E. Pérez-Torres and L.J. Corcuera -- Patterns of Freezing in Plants : the Influence of Species, Environment and Experiential Procedures / L.V. Gusta, M.E. Wisniewski and R.G. Trischuk -- Going to Extremes : Low-temperature Tolerance and Acclimation in Temperate and Boreal Conifers / G.R. Strimbeck and P.G. Schaberg -- The Rapid Cold-hardening Response in Insects : Ecological Significance and Physiological Mechanisms / M.A. Elnitsky and R.E. Lee, Jr -- Conifer Cold Hardiness, Climate Change and the Likely Effects of Warmer Temperatures on Photosynthesis / I. Ensminger, N.P.A. Hüner and F. Busch -- Chemical Genetics Identifies New Chilling Stress Determinants in Arabidopsis / J. Einset -- Analysis of the Ascorbate Antioxidant Pathway in Overwintering Populations of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) of Contrasting Freezing Tolerance / A. Bertrand, Y. Castonguay, S. Laberge, J. Cloutier and R. Michaud -- Identification of Proteins from Potato Leaves Submitted to Chilling Temperature / J. Renaut, S. Planchon, M. Oufir, J.-F. Hausman, L. Hoffmann and D. Evers -- Genomics of Cold Hardiness in Forest Trees / J. Holliday.
Text of Note
This book is a collection of invited and selected papers on plant cold hardiness that were presented at the 8th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar (8IPCHS) hosted by the University of Saskatchewan in 3-9 August 2007. The collection of chapters in this book represent sought to integrate the most up to date basic and applied research on plant cold hardiness. The chapters are divided into the following sections: the freezing process; molecular basis for the acquisition of freezing tolerance; linkage between developmental arrest and cold hardiness; genetic basis of superior cold tolerance; impact of global climatic change on plants; bridging the gap from the laboratory to the field; photosynthesis and signalling; and system biology.