Ch. 1. The POSIX shell and command-line utilities -- Ch. 2. Playing with files : viewing, manipulating, and editing text files -- Ch. 3. String briefs -- Ch. 4. What's in a word? -- Ch. 5. Scripting by numbers -- Ch. 6. Loose names sink scripts : bringing sanity to filenames -- Ch. 7. Treading a righteous PATH -- Ch. 8. The dating game -- Ch. 9. Good housekeeping : monitoring and tidying up file systems -- Ch. 10. POP goes the e-mail -- Ch. 11. PostScript : more than an afterthought -- Ch. 12. Screenplay : the screen-funcs library -- Ch. 13. Backing up the drive -- Ch. 14. Aging, archiving, and deleting files -- Ch. 15. Covering all your databases -- Ch. 16. Home on the Web -- Ch. 17. Taking care of business -- Ch. 18. Random acts of scripting -- Ch. 19. A smorgasbord of scripts -- Ch. 20. Script development management.
Text of Note
In today's IT environment, harried system administrators are finding themselves more overworked than ever. This book helps them regain some of the lost time spent creating and testing shell scripts, and guides readers through more than 150 much-needed and practical real-world examples.
Text of Note
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