The molecular pathogenesis and pathophysiology of prostate cancer -- Targeted therapies for cancer: definitions and attributes -- Novel biomarkers for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction -- The endothelin pathway and its modulation in prostate cancer -- Targeting extracellular molecules in prostate cancer -- mechanisms to inhibit entry into the cell-signaling abyss -- Immunologic approaches to prostate cancer -- Gene therapy and novel clinical trial design -- Angiogenesis inhibitors in prostate cancer -- What antisense oligonucleotides have promise in prostate cancer -- Novel approaches to androgen receptor blockade -- Can post-transcription modifiers change the course of prostate cancer? -- Telomere targeting agents -- Expanding the role of EGFR inhibitors in prostate cancer -- Bone-directed therapy in prostate cancer: rationale and novel approaches -- Inhibiting the proteasome in advanced prostate cancer -- Hsp90: a target for prostate cancer therapy -- Vitamin D analogs and their role in prostate cancer -- Other novel therapies -- Molecular imaging, clinical trial design, and the development of emerging therapies for metastatic prostate cancer.
Text of Note
Scientists have reached a critical point in the development of new therapies for prostate cancer. The information gleaned from the Human Genome Project, alongside the emergence of new technologies for the use of genetic data has expanded the physician's understanding of disease progression and widened his armamentarium for prostate cancer prevention and control. This expertly-written reference thoroughly analyzes the scientific principles and methodologies behind the most recent translational therapies and provides the necessary context, data, and studies for practitioners to select appropriat.