INTRODUCTION --- 1. The Emancipatory City: Urban (Re)Visions/ Loretta Lees --- PART 1. CITIES OF (IN)DIFFERENCE. 2. Domesticating Monsters: Cartographies of Difference and the Emancipatory City/ Susan Ruddick -- 3. Zero Tolerance, Maximum Surveillance? Deviance, Difference and Crime Control in the Late Modern City/ Nicholas Fyfe -- 4. Impurity and the Emancipatory City: Young People, Community Safety and Racial Danger/ Les Back and Michael Keith -- 5. The Emancipatory Community? Place, Politics and Collective Action in Cities/ James DeFilippis and Peter North --- PART 2. EMANCIPATORY PRACTICES. 6. Sites of Public (Homo)Sex and the Carnivalesque Spaces of Reclaim the Streets/ Gavin Brown -- 7. Inventing New Games: Unitary Urbanism and the Politics of Space/ David Pinder -- 8. Everyday Rationality and the Emancipatory City/ Gary Bridge -- 9. Urban Escapades: Play in Melbourne's Public Spaces/ Quentin Stevens --- PART 3. UTOPIC TRAJECTORIES. 10. The Urban Basis of Emancipation: Spatial Theory and the City in South African Politics/ Jennifer Robinson -- 11. Water, Modernity and Emancipatory Urbanism/ Matthew Gandy -- 12. In Search of the Horizon: Utopia in The Truman Show and The Matrix/ Geraldine Pratt and Rose Marie San Juan -- 13. Ghosts and the City of Hope/ Steve Pile --- REFLECTIONS. 14. The 'Emancipatory' City?/ Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift -- 15. The Right to the City/ David Harvey.
Text of Note
The Emancipatory City is a wonderful addition to a growing literature on the public culture of the city. In these spaces, tolerance and intolerance, difference and indifference, transgressions, resistances, and playful spontaneity erupt to give texture to urban life. The book broadens our gaze and deepens our understanding of how cities enable people to express themselves and be free' - Robert A Beauregard, New School University, New York Who are cities for? What kinds of societies might they most democratically embody? And, how can cities be emancipatory sites? The ambivalent status of urban space in terms of emancipation, democratisation, justice and citizenship is central to recent work in urban geography, 'new' cultural geography, critical geography and postmodern planning, as well as literature on urban social justice, public space and the politics of identity. Seeking alternative and progressive visions of the emancipatory city through an exploration of the tensions and possibilities between the freedoms and constraints offered by the city, the authors of The Emancipatory City? build on this wealth of current perspectives to present an critical analysis of urban experience.